
What is Open-Angle Glaucoma?

Glaucoma has the nickname the silent thief of sight. This nickname mainly refers to open-angle glaucoma or primary open-angle glaucoma. Other types of glaucoma come on fast and show symptoms rapidly. Open-angle glaucoma or POAG does not. It develops slowly over time without any symptoms. Then suddenly, it shows symptoms, at which point it has […]

What’s The Most Common Age For Developing Glaucoma?

Do you think that it is okay to skip your eye exam? Do you ever think that because your vision is clear that your eyes are healthy? With age, it’s easy to think you’re invincible, especially when you’re younger. You may think that health conditions won’t impact you until you get older. But that isn’t […]

Can You Tell If You Have Glaucoma?

Have you started seeing halos around lights? Is using your peripheral vision becoming more challenging? These are signs that you might have glaucoma. Glaucoma is a family of eye diseases that affect the optic nerve. You need a healthy optic nerve to have clear vision. Glaucoma damages your optic nerve due to abnormally high eye […]