Category: Eye Health

February Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month

Did you know that for people over the age of 65, one in five of them will eventually be diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration? That’s a scary number! That’s a big part of why February is AMD awareness month. Keep reading to learn more about this vision condition! What is AMD? AMD is what happens […]

Are You Prepared For UV Safety Month?

  When it comes to fun in the sun, people tend to forget that they should be mindful of how much time they spend outside. Did you know that July is UV Safety Month? Just like any other part of your body, your eyes need to be protected from the sun’s rays! Keep reading to […]

Are Your Eyes Ready For Seasonal Allergies This Spring?

The sun is shining, birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and your eyes are itchy and uncomfortable. Sound familiar? If you’re like millions of people, spring is here and so are your seasonal allergies. There’s nothing worse than waking up every morning and not being able to breathe. But are your eyes ready for seasonal […]