Category: Eye Health

Is Pink Eye Always Contagious?

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, occurs when the whites of the eye take on a pink or red color. This is caused by the swelling of the thin layer of tissue, known as the conjunctiva, that lines the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelid.  Keep reading to learn if […]

Is Having Dry Eyes Temporary?

If your eyes occasionally feel scratchy or burning, this may be a temporary situation if your dry eyes are caused by environmental factors. In many cases, however, dry eyes are due to a chronic condition called dry eye syndrome. Keep reading to learn if dry eyes are temporary! What is Dry Eye Syndrome? Eye redness, […]

What Should I Do If I Develop a Corneal Ulcer?

A corneal ulcer is painful and can cause permanent vision damage. So how do you know if you have one, and what should you do to protect your sight?  Keep reading to learn more information about what to do if you develop a corneal ulcer! What Is the Cornea? The cornea is the clear tissue […]

Should I Treat My Dry Eye?

If you are experiencing red, irritated eyes, including a scratchy or gritty feeling, it could be a sign of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome may also cause your vision to be blurry, a burning sensation, or increased tearing.  Dry eye is very common and treatable. Keep reading to learn if you should treat your […]

Who Can Get Pink Eye?   

Pink Eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a very common eye condition. This eye condition often requires treatment to improve your symptoms and to prevent it from spreading to others.  If you think you have pink eye, it’s best to be diagnosed and treated by your eye doctor right away. Keep reading to learn more […]

What is a Corneal Ulcer?

Your cornea is a thin transparent sheet of tissue that covers the outside of your eye. It focuses light entering your eye onto your retina. It also protects your iris, pupil, and lens, which all sit beneath it. Your cornea is a vital component of your eye. It covers the sensitive tissue beneath it, and […]

How Do You Know if You Have Blepharitis?

Do you notice that your eyelids tend to get inflamed or have a flaky discharge? If they do, you may have blepharitis, but you need a doctor’s diagnosis to be sure. Blepharitis may be unsightly and uncomfortable, but it is not a dangerous condition. That said, you may want to get it treated if you […]

3 Signs Your Dry Eyes Need To Be Treated

Do you feel like your eyes are always dry? Are they dry and irritated year-round when most people only have dry eyes during allergy season? You may have dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a condition that affects millions of people every year, many of whom don’t know they have it. Having dry eyes […]

Why You Should Watch Out For Pink Eye During Spring Sports

Does your child play sports? Are you worried that they will get hurt while they play? Playing sports teaches players all sorts of characteristics like how to be a team player, developing a strong work ethic, agility, and more. But while playing a sport there is always the risk of getting hurt or catching a […]

What Does An Ophthalmologist Do?

Are you trying to figure out what the different types of eye doctors do and who you need to see? Are you overwhelmed by what’s available? Trying to understand if you need to see an ophthalmologist, optometrist, or optician can be a lot. All you want is an eye exam. Now you’re also trying to […]